Pillars Club

pillars club

Membership in the Pillars Club recognizes the generosity of community leaders making substantial contributions to the United Way of Washington County-East. We invite you to join us, and LIVE UNITED, right here in the heart of Washington County as a Pillar.


Pillar Defined

Pillar (pil'-er) n. - a support: one who occupies a central or responsible position. 


Every community has its pillars. These individuals, through their generous donations of time, talent, and financial resources, provide a framework of strength to create a stable foundation for today and a hopeful future for each person in our community. 



The United Way of Washington County-East Pillars Club aims to encourage and recognize philanthropy in Washington County. Donations from Pillars members drive real change, directly impacting lives within our community. United Way focuses on community priorities, addressing local needs and providing long-term solutions across four key areas: youth, health, basic needs, and self-sufficiency. We deeply appreciate the Pillars' commitment and support. Our local United Way remains dedicated to creating opportunities and maintaining the strength of our community.


How to Get Involved

To get involved with the Pillars Club, contact Erin McQuay at erin.mcquay@uwwce.org.


Pillars Club Levels of Commitment

  • Alexis de Tocqueville - $10,000+

  • Gold - $5,000 - $9,999

  • Silver - $2,500 - $4,999

  • Bronze - $1,000 - $2,499